The processing of wages and labor law is one of the most important functions of accounting in any organization.
• Preparation of payrolls and slips to them;;
• Completion of payment orders for social security contributions and DOD;
• Preparation and submission of Declarations Fig. 1 and 6;
• Preparation of employment contracts and additional agreements to them, management contracts and civil contracts;
• Preparation of job descriptions of employees;
• Preparation and certification of employment and insurance books of employees;
• Maintenance of employment records of employees;
• Preparation of orders for termination of employment;
• Preparation and submission to the NRA of the notifications under Art. 62 from the LC for newly appointed, reassigned or resigned employees;
• Processing of sick leaves and submission to the National Social Security Institute;
• Preparation of a report on due and used paid annual leave by employees;
• Preparation of a report on salaries and insurances of the company;
• Preparation of official notes, etc.. references for the employees of the company